Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spam Fourteen: The Death of MegaDick

IT'S OFFICIAL: MEGADICK IS GONE. After two consecutive weeks off the chart, I am officially calling an end to MegaDick's Chart tyranny. Goodbye, MegaDick...and good luck. We may be seeing a new champion rise, however, as WonderCum appears to be filling the void. I'll track those emails next week and see what's what.

In five weeks, the spam intake as doubled. Which is a little startling, because as of Week Nine, I was receiving just under a hundred spam emails a day. Now, I'm getting closer to two hundred. And that's a bit much. The big surprise is that while the total emails have doubled, the Boner Meds have stayed at about the same number. Thus, the declining BMS over the last month.

All the ladies in the house say "Chart!"

1130 emails
BMS = 35% (up 3%)

((1/1)) -- 391 Boner Medication (85 VPXL, 41 Viagra/Cialis, 0 MegaDick)
((2/2) -- 165 Canadian/Online Pharmacy
((3/3)) -- 145 Luxury Replica Watches/Purses
((4/4)) -- 110 We Will Approve Your Loan
((5/5)) -- 88 Online Casino
((6/6)) -- 41 Buy Shoes
((7/7)) -- 38 Say Goodbye to Debt
((8/9)) -- 35 OEM Software
((9/8)) -- 19 Inspecific “Look at this!”
((10/13)) -- 15 Would You Like to Chat & See My Pics?
((11/19)) -- 12 Improve Your Health
((12/15)) -- 11 Stop Smoking
((13/17)) -- 10 Weight Loss/Anatrim/Hoodia
((14/9)) -- 9 Foreign Gibberish (0 German)
((15/13)) -- 8 Validate Your Identity (4 CitiBusiness, 2 PayPal)
((16/19)) -- 7 Human Growth Hormone
((17/17)) -- 6 Pheromones
((18/12)) -- 5 Earn Your Degree
((19/16)) -- 4 Job Offer/Employee Search
((20/11)) -- 3 Valentine’s Day Related
((20/--)) -- 3 Fake Greeting Card (1 Fake Hallmark Notification)
((22/--)) -- 1 Bank Scam (Hong Kong business project)
((22/--)) -- 1 Something About the Bible
((22/--)) -- 1 IRS Notification of Tax Refund
((22/--)) -- 1 All Kinds of Embroideries!
((22/--)) -- 1 Buy Life Insurance

BMS = Boner Medication Saturation
((this week's rank/last week's rank))
-- = new to the chart this week

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